Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Act Play


by Oberon Wildbore

Players: Gabby 26 year and The Crimson Rambler

Act 1

Scene One

Interior of Laundromat

GABBY: (Sorting Dirty Laundry with one hand while speaking on mobile with other) No I swear to God, there were hundreds of them. A virtual military tatoo. All Lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce in their red and black uniforms. By the time they were finished with me, I was covered with welts. And now.....Like the Charge of the Light Brigade...(shoves laundry into washer and slams the lid) ..into the Valley of the Death Ride the 600. I checked Wiki, Cimex Lectularius, the Crimson Rambler, a species that prefers human blood, aka the common bedbug. Gotta run. See you later. (hangs up, starts putting the soap in machine)

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