Monday, October 26, 2009

Scenic Painting Tips

If the surface to be painted is plasticated: 
1. wipe with methalated spirits 
2. base coat with a primer 

When painting a base coat:
1. make sure all brush marks and lumps are gone. 
2.Brush paint into a wood surface evenly with not too much paint

Darker colour first then lighter colour to blend

1. Tracing paper with holes poked in to trace the lines
2. Poke holes through the back, rub the front with charcoal

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Residential Schools and Eugenics in Alberta

Genomes and sterilization.

Eugenics in Alberta, from 1929 to 1972: "Like begets like," they said. 

He had been abandoned by his Cree mother at age 7, so the government put him in the "training School" in Red Deer, Alberta. Hospital whites haunt him to this day. The smell of disinfectant bccame so familiar that later in life, it was comforting. It was around his 16th birthday that a surgeon made two deep incisions and severed his vas deferens. His 20 years of confinement was followed by many years trying to overcome the past. 

In 1972, medical and genetic theories were deemed questionable; fundamental human rights were in violation.